Wadidaw Colors That Go Well Together References
Colors That Go Well Together
Primary Colors
The primary colors – red, yellow and blue – are at the core of many color palettes. A simple combination of these colors is all that's needed to create a beautiful and balanced effect. When combined, the primary colors create a range of secondary colors, such as orange, green and purple. When used together in combination, these colors can create a striking and vibrant look.
Monochromatic Colors
Monochromatic colors are shades, tints and tones of one single color. An example of a monochromatic color scheme is red, pink and burgundy. These colors go together very well because they are all closely related. A monochromatic palette is a great choice for creating a sense of harmony and balance.
Complementary Colors
Complementary colors are colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. An example of a complementary color scheme is orange and blue. These colors are each other's opposite, so they create an exciting contrast when used together. A complementary color palette can add a real sense of drama to a room.
Analogous Colors
Analogous colors are colors that are side by side on the color wheel. An example of an analogous color scheme is yellow, yellow-orange and orange. These colors all go together very well because they are closely related. An analogous palette can create a sense of harmony and unity in a space.
Neutral Colors
Neutral colors are colors that have little to no tint or shade. Examples of neutral colors are white, gray and black. Neutral colors are great for creating a calm and soothing atmosphere. When combined with other colors, they can provide a perfect backdrop and add a sense of sophistication.